Can't put your finger on the "thing" that's hindering your business?
Jul 15, 2024There are plenty of business owners out there, who are totally unaware of the one "thing" hindering them and their brand.
The one crucial component, whether it be shipping, merchandising, customer service or emails, crushing their chances of new or repeat business!
And without sounding too dramatic, when that one service breaks, that's it. It's over. You've lost your customers trust and loyalty forever!
So! Eager to fail safe your business before it's too late??
Continue reading this weeks feature article below to discover how you can iron out your seemingly uncreased business model!
If you're struggling to understand what it is stopping you from....
📈 Reaching your business goals
💰 Hitting your sales targets and
🏘 Elevating your business within your community...
It might be your neglect to listen to the voices of your customers.
The solution? Customer feedback. It may seem simple, but every business decision you make must align with your customers needs and values.
Below are a few creative ways to retain feedback that are guaranteed to help (not hinder) you and your retail business!
1. Talk to your customers in-store! Don't be shy to strike up a conversation! You'd be surprised how often someone is willing to give you their time to chat about their experience - good or bad. Both are helpful!!
2. Use your email database to survey your customers. Segment your emails between VIP and first time customers, asking three simple (but valuable) questions!
3. Engage with the comments, mentions, tags and reviews on your social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and blogs. Respect the time taken by your customer to offer their opinions with a 'thank you', 'like' and 'share'
4. Ask your customers to leave a Google review! Not only will you encourage new business, but equally, retain repeat shoppers. Monitor these reviews and respond to anyone who takes the time to submit!
5. If you have a website or online store, acquire the software to create a pop-up to ask your customer to review their experience (while obtaining their email address). Follow up with an email after their purchase asking how well you did and if you can be of any further help!
Do you ever daydream about starting your own successful business, thriving online store or beautiful retail space but don’t have a single clue where to begin?
Is your excitement and enthusiasm continually squashed by confusion and doubt over what you physically need to do to get started?
Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the right tools in your kit to actually build your dream business?
Let me tell you right now - you are definitely not alone! In fact, when I launched my business back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I am the living proof that you can start a business without any prior knowledge.
But… a little help never goes astray, right?
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