Content marketing strategy for small business!

Aug 12, 2024

If you've given up on content marketing because it costs too much money, takes up too much of your time, or simply isn't inspiring you or your audience, listen up!


Content marketing can be one of the most effective methods to drive new customers at minimal cost. All you need is a proven strategy.


Below I share my 6 essential steps that will save you time and money while enabling you to share your vision and beautiful store with the world!


Step 1. Identify Your Ideal Customer


Identifying your ideal customer helps navigate where to publish your content. Specifically, write down their age, gender, status, interests, beliefs and pain points.


For further help on this, read last weeks article, 'Gain more sustainable growth and brand resilience' to discover who your ideal customer is, their values and spending habits so you can tailor your product offerings, refine your merchandising and effectively spread brand awareness!


Step 2. Establish what channels to invest

[your] time in.


Interior design, homewares and furniture are visual, therefore, your customers are unlikely to be searching for your business on LinkedIN!


The best way to determine where which channels are best for your business is to look at your competitors. Where are they runnings ads on? Pinterest? Instagram? Facebook?


One platform to see where your competitors are advertising is Meta Ad Library.


Step 3. Create a content strategy calendar


You can make it as basic or detailed as you like. What's key is you've provided some structure to your engagement which will make you accountable. Click here to view Canvas huge range of FREE templates to get you started!


Step 4. Create relevant content


🤔 Answer most commonly asked questions or solve a problem for a potential customer who needs your products or help!

👀 Live or video content is most popular, so why not try putting together an engaging reel or story providing a step-by-step guide or overview which answers their questions!

🎉 Explain why your business differentiates from others. For example, share a customer review which solves a common pain point! Perhaps your store is conveniently located - highlight and celebrate this!

💁🏼‍♀️ Share personal content to build trust with your customer. Sharing some of your personality can be a great way to develop relationships and customer loyalty.


TIP: Scale your reach by re-purposing your content on multiple platforms! This strategy allows you to increase your total following with minimal additional effort.


Step 5. Collaborate


Collaborate with other local businesses and influencers who have a large following of your ideal audience! An example of FREE marketing here would be providing a review or some positive content for a business that you admire. They are more likely to share.


Consideration!! If you collaborate with an influencer, are their followers local? While the exposure might increase credibility for your brand, it may not result in more sales if followers don't live locally.


TIP: Find local influencers by searching your town or suburb's Hashtag in Instagram! E.g. #Bowral. See below!!


Step 6. Measure your results


Review your data! How? Look at all your channels (Facebook, Instagram, Google) and question...


→ What was the most effective content topics and formats?

i.e. short form video, text etc.

→ Which social content received the most likes and views?

→ Who are the people commenting on your posts?

Survey your customers and ask them how they found you!

Do you ever daydream about starting your own successful business, thriving online store or beautiful retail space but don’t have a single clue where to begin?

Is your excitement and enthusiasm continually squashed by confusion and doubt over what you physically need to do to get started? 

 Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the right tools in your kit to actually build your dream business? 

Let me tell you right now - you are definitely not alone! In fact, when I launched my business back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I am the living proof that you can start a business without any prior knowledge.

But… a little help never goes astray, right?


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