Dreaming of a vacay, but afraid to leave your business to someone else?

Jul 29, 2024

A "healthy" business isn't just about thriving financially. It's about excelling operationally, organisationally and ethically. It demonstrates commitment to it's employees, the community and environment, all while ensuring long-term sustainability and positive impact.


Sounds like a lot, right?


But what about the "health" of its founders? If they're running on empty, how can the business truly flourish?


As business owners, we rarely get the chance to prioritise our well-being and "take a breather". Let's be honest, if we could work while sleeping, we probably would!


But trust me, as a fellow go-getter:


It's time to let our minds and bodies fully rest. Now is the perfect moment to plan a much-needed getaway before the upcoming retail rush! 


Your health, creative flow, energy, and growth should come first. It's possible and I'm here to guide you through it!


If you find yourself nearing burn-out, or you're completely depleted of creative energy, it's time to take some time off and recharge your batteries!!


Apply my 5 essentials strategies below and I guarantee you'll find taking time off easier and possible!


1. You created your business with a strong, determined and active mindset. It's time to use that same mindset but shift the focus to self-care. Tell yourself, "I am determined to take care of myself and my business by taking a break."


2. Build a business model that can work without you; implement systems and processes that don't rely soley on your presence. Surely, flexibility was one of the goals you set when you started your business? Build a business model that serves you, not the other way around.


3. Plan and communicate expectations with confidence. Do not apologise for being away. Set clear expectations for your staff, vendors and community. Tell them when you're going to be online or not and who is contactable in your absence.


4. Do what needs to be done while you're away NOW. Do it a few months before you leave. Work backwards, doing the work that needs to be done in advance.


5. Systemise and automate what you can. For example, if someone can't find your store hours, if someone can't process their order online, if you need remain active on socials or send emails whilst you're gone, use systems to do them in your absence!

Do you ever daydream about starting your own successful business, thriving online store or beautiful retail space but don’t have a single clue where to begin?

Is your excitement and enthusiasm continually squashed by confusion and doubt over what you physically need to do to get started? 

 Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the right tools in your kit to actually build your dream business? 

Let me tell you right now - you are definitely not alone! In fact, when I launched my business back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I am the living proof that you can start a business without any prior knowledge.

But… a little help never goes astray, right?


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