Feeling Lonely In Your Business?

May 21, 2024

Want to feel more joy in your business journey?


Do you desire the courage to step into your potential?


Are you ready to optimise productivity in your business to spend more time with your loved ones?


Last week marked a special occasion within The Retail Academy, as members were treated to an exclusive BONUS Masterclass in celebration of 'Mindset May'.


Ordinarily, key learnings and insights from these Masterclasses are reserved for members eyes only....


However! For the same reason I introduced the Academy - so that I could share my knowledge and experience accumulated over my 14 year retail journey - I wanted to extend this privledge to everyone here subscribed, since Donna's wisdom and profound insights were simply too invaluable not to share!


Read on to discover key learnings from Donna Hann, a certified high performance coach and business educator to unlock your business potential and find joy in your personal life! Also on The Journal.


With exponential growth in the wellness industry, particularly in the past 5 years, 'mindset' and 'mindfulness' can feel like trendy buzz words!


What is a productive mindset? What does mindfulness look like? And in the midst if life's chaos, who actually has time for it?!


These questions are all valid, for business owners especially. Though take it from someone who spent years finding out the hard way - embracing intentional daily practices to nurture a resilient mindset, not only increases your productivity, control and influence in your business, but it likewise re-shapes and flips your way of thinking about your own life, personal goals, what you need to do to be happy and how to find joy now and in the future, which will protect you when the tough times come a knocking - and they will!!



1. Every day, write yourself a list of tasks to complete. I usually plan ahead of time and write my list on a Friday, so I'm productive during the week and I have a free mind over the weekend! Reflect on what worked that day and question what didn't get done and why? How can you refine the way you did it so you won't do it again? And don't forget to celebrate tasks that have been actioned!


2. While it can be hard, and all business owners struggle with it, delegating tasks to your team will create the respect and trust required for everyone to perform their best. Be a role model and own your role, but don't take too much control so others don't feel the same ownership in theres. People under perform when they lack ownership and responsibility, and when this happens, it's going to impact sales!


3. Your mood can influence your customers behaviour. Connection with your customers can inspire them to improve their homes and their lives. However, if you appear disinterested or fail to communicate effectively, you risk driving customers away! Cultivating a sense of trust showcases an aptitude for communication, depth of knowledge and willingness to listen attentively. Remember, enthusiasm spreads fast! The right energy from you is infectious!


4. Care for yourself. Give yourself a little boost every now and then by doing something that you love. Protect yourself so that when stress surfaces, you won't feel overwhelmed, but rather acknowledge where the stress is coming from, what it is and how you can deal with it. Your health depends on recognising the triggers before they strike!! Basics include, sleep, water and movement.


5. Be in control of your own thoughts so you are able to identify any fears and reasons of procrastination and where you need support! Check-in with yourself and connect with others to keep a level-head and feel fulfilled with what you do!



Do you ever daydream about starting your own successful business, thriving online store or beautiful retail space but don’t have a single clue where to begin?

Is your excitement and enthusiasm continually squashed by confusion and doubt over what you physically need to do to get started? 

 Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the right tools in your kit to actually build your dream business? 

Let me tell you right now - you are definitely not alone! In fact, when I launched my business back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I am the living proof that you can start a business without any prior knowledge.

But… a little help never goes astray, right?


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