Host an In-Store Event in 7 Steps!
Apr 11, 2024
This might sound controversial, but your customers aren't always interested in your products.
With online retail providing every product they could ever want or need a mere "click" away, your customers seek something more...
They desire value, knowledge, solace, inspiration, surprise, and sensory escape....
And while your store alone may offer such, it is proven, hosting an in-store event can enhance your customers experience!
Some of the most successful retail stores host events often; Apple and Lululemon are just two examples. Apple host "Interactive sessions" covering a multitude of topics while Lululemon invite "yogies" to share their passion with a free yoga class! Both offer opportunities to promote merchandise while expanding their following.
To host a successful event, you must align your customers interests with the products you sell. The result? Increased brand awareness to build your community plus generate more revenue.
Below I share my 7 essential considerations and steps when hosting a successful event in your store.
A recent study showed 91% of customers were more inclined to make a purchase after attending an in-store retail event.
Fast forward post-event, and retailers saw a rise in customer loyalty, greater interest in their store and their products. With the help of a little publicity and social media to drive hype online, it's no surprise, all future events surpassed those before it!
When hosting an event, my 3 crucial considerations include...
✔︎ Purpose & value. Does the event align with your store and customer values? What is it about your store that customers chose over your competitors? What are your irristible offerings? Answer these questions to establish your "why" before you begin preparations for your event.
✔︎ Promotion. Advertising before, during and after your event is key to driving awareness and attendance. People are 75% more likely to take action after seeing a localised ad.
✔︎ Building relationships. Create a reason for your customer to show up, learn and gain something from your event that they wouldn't have otherwise gained.
Step 1. Decide on the type of event you'd like to host and set out your purpose and goal(s). You could host a class, workshop, VIP shopping night, New Season launch party, education session, fitness class, live music, or simply rent out your space for an external event with the host sharing like-minded values.
Step 2. Set a budget. Will there be catering? Paid advertising? Cleaning fees? Your goals for the event should reconcile these costs (but always write them down and assess before going ahead!).
Step 3. Send out your invitations! First and foremost, send invites to your most loyal customers. Send to your entire database, though be sure to send a seperate, if not, additional email to your VIP customers for early access to book or receive a discount, such as "Bring a Friend and Receive a 20% discount".
Step 4. Train your employees or hire staff! Make sure all persons and parties involved know the event date, time, targets and what is expected of them to meet common objectives!
Step 5. Advertise your event in-store with flyers and signage. Create a social calendar of Instagram posts and stories. Place an ad in your community newspaper, contact local influencers to collaborate with or contribute to and hold a contest for guests who "share" during the event! Select the winner with the best content, re-post and send them a prize!
Step 6. Capture the event! Make sure you take lots of photos and videos during your event to share on your socials and newsletter!
Step 7. Continue the conversation and send 'thank you' emails to those who attended! Show those who didn't attend what they missed out on! You could use the same content to create a 'thank you' post and story on Instagram
Do you ever daydream about starting your own successful business, thriving online store or beautiful retail space but don’t have a single clue where to begin?
Is your excitement and enthusiasm continually squashed by confusion and doubt over what you physically need to do to get started?
Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the right tools in your kit to actually build your dream business?
Let me tell you right now - you are definitely not alone! In fact, when I launched my business back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I am the living proof that you can start a business without any prior knowledge.
But… a little help never goes astray, right?
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