Meet your customers where they are NOW!

Sep 03, 2024

Picture this...


Your customer desires a beautiful home with collectables and furnishings to create a haven of connection, relaxation and joy.


A space that welcomes family and friends in both comfort and style.


But right now, with rising costs and customers avoiding non-essential spending, their 'desires' get pinned to a Pinterest board instead of becoming purchases!


Sound familiar? Can relate?


Retailers are feeling the impact of the cost of living crisis just as much as their customers, which is why it is crucial they adapt and meet their customers where they are now in order to stay competitive and deliver on their customers desires - and needs.


Below I share my top marketing, sales and customer service tips to help you adapt to the ever-changing habits of your customers! 


Keeping up with the shifts in consumer behaviour and spending habits can be exhausting! How do you know where to start...?


The first step, is identifying your customers needs so you can meet them where they are now.


Who is your customer and what are their spending habits??


🤩 There is a growing trend towards purchasing fewer items, opting for quality and longevity. Your customer seeks value for money

🧐 Consumers are comparing prices more carefully, reading reviews and waiting for sales


How can you align your products to match these habits?


👌🏼 Offer items that emphasise quality, durability and long-term use

👉🏼 Promote products that serve multiple purposes or offer significant benefits

👏🏼 Introduce lower-cost options or bundle deals to provide better value without sacrificing quality


When it comes to marketing, all efforts should focus on communicating the value of your products to your customers. 


Be transparent and clearly explain the benefits of your products, such as durability, sustainability, handmade, locally sourced, warmth etc.

Build trust testimonials using customer reviews to highlight quality and build confidence

Share narratives that resonate with customers current challenges, positioning your products as solutions!


Many of us seek ways to save a buck here and there, so adjust your sales strategy to cater to more budget-conscious customers!


Encourage repeat business with loyalty programs, discounts, early-access to sales and rewards for returning customers

Use limited-time offers or flash sales to attract bargain hunters!


Finally, in order to meet your customers where they are, delivering exceptional customer service is paramount.


 Train your staff to be empathetic, ensuring they understand the pressures of the economy so they can offer genuine support to customers

 Personalise your customers shopping experience suggesting products that meet their specific needs and budgets!

 Most importantly, make every interaction positive! Prioritise customer satisfaction and assistance above all else.

Do you ever daydream about starting your own successful business, thriving online store or beautiful retail space but don’t have a single clue where to begin?

Is your excitement and enthusiasm continually squashed by confusion and doubt over what you physically need to do to get started? 

 Perhaps you feel like you don’t have the right tools in your kit to actually build your dream business? 

Let me tell you right now - you are definitely not alone! In fact, when I launched my business back in 2009, I had no idea what I was doing. I am the living proof that you can start a business without any prior knowledge.

But… a little help never goes astray, right?


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